
Consumer Information - Notices and Alerts

Important information about DNS Changer malware

Recently, Télébec was advised by the Government of Canada and the FBI that a small subset of our customer base has been infected by malicious software (malware) called DNS Changer. This specific malware is a phenomenon that has affected many Internet providers across the globe and in Canada, including Télébec.

What does DNS Changer do?
DNS Changer malware causes a computer to use rogue DNS servers, controlled by cyber criminals, instead of a legitimate one that is generally provided by your Internet service provider.

This malware resides in your computer, but can also affect your home network. It may leave you vulnerable to criminal organizations that could misuse and redirect your Internet traffic.

How to detect the DNS Changer malware
Visit (Opens in New Window). This website checks your computer settings to see if it’s infected with DNS Changer. If the screen is green, you’re not affected. If the screen is red, your computer is infected with the DNS Changer malware. Perform this check on all the computers/laptops within your household.

Please note: if your computer is infected, you must have the malware removed by July 4, 2012, in order to avoid disruption to your Internet service.

The Government of Canada, via the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre and Public Safety Canada, has various means of identifying if your computer is affected. Learn more (Opens in New Window)

How can I fix/resolve this issue?
You have two options. You can:

1. Seek help from a computer professional.

The best course of action is to consult a computer professional to have the malware removed. The Government of Canada has provided detailed information about DNS Changer that may be useful for your computer professional.

2. Try to remove the malware yourself (for advanced users).

Using a non-infected computer, consult the malware removal guidelines (Opens in New Window) provided by the Government of Canada.

Official references on the DNS Changer malware.

Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre and Public Safety Canada (Government of Canada):

FBI public announcement:
     - DNSChanger Malware (PDF) (Opens in New Window)

Virus Alert alert

Spoof email that purports to be from your Internet Service Provider or another domain name.

Beware of any email that appears to have come from, among others, ">", "" , or "".

Télébec Internet or Télébec will never send you a message containing a file attachment. If you receive such a message, DO NOT OPEN THE FILE ATTACHMENT. IT IS A VIRUS.

From time to time, Télébec Internet or Télébec will send you a text message to inform you of planned activities or changes. We will explain how you can obtain more information.

Spoof email may also look like a computer virus alert and ask you to open a file attachment. It might mention a bill or ask you to read the attached file, otherwise your service might be cancelled. DO NOT OPEN THE FILE ATTACHMENT.


From:'s Internet Virus Department
Subject: Virus Alert

We have detected a possible computer virus on your computer. You must open the details of the report within 24 hours or we will be forced to shut down your internet service.

Please Click Below Then Press "open" To View The Report. If you do not open this report in 24 hours we will suspend your internet service. If nothing apears on your virus report please disregard this message.

Dear user of,

Our main mailing server will be temporary unavaible for next two days, to continue receiving mail in these days you have to configure our free auto-forwarding service.

Pay attention on attached file.

For security reasons attached file is password protected. The password is "88312".

Have a good day,
The team

From:'s Internet Virus Department
Subject: Virus Alert

We have detected a possible computer virus on your computer. You must open the details of the report within 24 hours or we will be forced to shut down your internet service.

Please Click Below Then Press "open" To View The Report. If you do not open this report in 24 hours we will suspend your internet service. If nothing apears on your virus report please disregard this message.

We recommend that you update your antivirus software regularly.

Thank you for your vigilance!