Internet : Phishing e-mail
Phishing is a massive emailing soliciting bank, personal or confidential data.
IMPORTANT : Télébec wishes to reiterate that at no time do we ask customers to provide personal and confidential information such as your password by e-mail.
Here are a few security measures you can adopt against phishing
- If you answered this phishing e-mail in error we suggest that you change your password associated with your e-mail box(es) as soon as possible.
- Always access the Télébec websites by using your bookmarks or one of our known URL addresses.
- Never include personal or confidential information in an e-mail message.
For more information on security and phishing, visit our Internet Security section at (Opens in New Window).
Examples of phishing e-mails
A phishing e-mail like the one below is circulating on the Internet righ now (September 2010). The message prompts customers to provide information on their Internet account with indication that the account will be closed if the form is not filled out in its entirety.

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Another phishing e-mail was circulating in 2009 and was read as follows:
From : Télébec Customer Service [] (Opens in the default email client)
Sent : Septembre 15, 2009 14:40
Object : Télébec your e-mail account has been temporarily limited
"We regret to inform you that access to your Télébec e-mail account has been temporarily limited.
This is due to log-in failed in several attempts.
Box ID: TEL-462-55-37
To restore your account please log-in correctly Connect now." |
If you click on the hyperlink (do not), you will get to a false Télébec web page with a non official URL and this similar look:

Please note that the official Télébec Web Mail shows the following URL and takes a “s” at the “https” to indicate that it is fully secured.